Thursday, September 8, 2011

Theology Yuck?

I asked the wives in attendance at our Wed. night Bible study last night to consider a scenario.  I asked them to imagine going home to their husband and saying "My husband, there is something about me that I really want you to know.  It is close to the core of who I am.  In fact, you won't really 'get me' if you don't know this about me." I asked them to imagine their response when they hear their husband reply, "I don't need to know all that, I love you.  What I do know of you is great.  Isn't that enough?"  (this illustration is borrowed from Bruce Ware "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.")

Of course the ladies in the room would not at all be amused or flattered by such a response and were quick to express their displeasure.  Isn't that the way we respond to God though, if we shudder at the thought of studying theology.  To study and know God more is meant to lead us into a deeper and more intimate walk with Him.

Granted, there are things about God that bring us to the point of inability to understand.  We approach Him often times like the ant approaches our big toe.  That ant looks up at us and can't even see the extent of how far up we go.  He struggles in vain  to wrap his little ant mind around our physical dimensions.  Even if he could figure that out, the ant is completely unaware of things we know and do that he doesn't even know exists.  The ant has never considered music, math, art, science, and a variety of things you do every day and take for granted.  He doesn't even know what he doesn't know.  That ant comes a lot closer to understanding you though, than you come to quantifying God.

That is a good thing.  If God is perfectly understood by you then He is no bigger than you are.  Rejoice in theology, study God.  he has given His Bible that you might know more and more of Him and draw closer to Him through it.  When you come to things that are difficult to understand, stand in awe-instead of frustration.

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