Thursday, October 27, 2011

Me On My Best Day

God often reveals things to me through my children.  I am sure I am not alone in that reality.  As I strive to teach my children about their perfect heavenly Father through their relationship with their flawed earthly father God takes the opportunity to teach me about my relationship with Him as well.  I experienced a great and humbling example of this last night.

After returning from church and getting the kids through the routine of snack, brushing teeth, putting on pajamas (which are only going to come off within minutes of getting sent to bed anyway), praying together, and getting in bed I heard a tremendous commotion.  My four year old daughter had sneaked into my medicine cabinet somewhere in the process and helped herself to a cough drop.   This is obviously a big no no in our house.  I had no idea however.  But as she was making her bed her older brother smelled the cough drop and asked her if she had taken one.  She immediately burst into tears. Down the stairs she came with all the melodrama of an over tired four year old.  She was sobbing deeply as she crawled into my lap and I could barely make out her confession through the chest heaving sobs and tears.  I was trying to decide how to react, she had offended one of our big no no's and yet hear she is obviously broken about it.  As I was thinking she laid hold of my face pulled me to look square in her eyes and said, "Dad please forgive me, please do you forgive me?"  I hugged her close and said "Yes darling, I forgive you."  After a few words of caution about the danger of getting in that cabinet she went up the stairs laughing.  The laughter betrayed the fact that she actually knew our relationship was unhindered.  Nothing remained between us.

I looked at my wife across the room who had been watching all of this in silent amusement.  Then it hit  me.  That encounter is my relationship with God on my best day.  I want to live a sinless day, but I know that I do not.  I am plagued with inner pride, lust, desires, selfishness, and this list would get very long to be exhaustive... Even as God grants me growth in all of these areas I still have them in my life on a daily basis.  On my best day I am really broken about them.  On my best day I come confessing and weeping before the Lord and seeking forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  On my best day he looks me square in the eyes and says "yes darling, I forgive you."  On my best day I rise from the encounter filled with laughter because I know Jesus did everything required to deal with my sin.  Nothing hinders my relationship with God.  This is my best day!

I hope that you know God this way.  I hope you have the confidence when you cry out to Him that in Jesus Christ you are forgiven all your sin.  I hope you are walking in the joy of that relationship!  

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