Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Foolishness of Creation

Scripture is clear that the "wisdom of the world" frequently regards God's word as "foolishness."  Man proclaims themselves wise and in so doing act the fool!  The beginning of wisdom is of course the fear of the Lord.  One of the most ridiculed doctrines of the Christian church is the doctrine of creation.  A false dichotomy is proposed between science and faith.  Of course those who hold science forth as the banner to follow behind have to acknowledge that science has nothing to do with many of the assumptions made to describe how everything got here and the theories that proceed.  Rather than discuss the "science," often times the creationist is just made out to be some uneducated hillbilly who can't be taken seriously.  The "scientist" says "If we repeat this mantra long enough, we don't have to have the debate, everyone will be too embarrassed to consider any alternative to the fabrications we have made."

This does not surprise me.  We live in a world that does not want to acknowledge any accountability to God or to worship Him.  The doctrine of creation has to be done away with if I am going to be allowed to live my life worshiping myself, and setting my own rules for conduct and life.  The Bible agrees that God must be worshiped (Rev 4:11)  "Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created."

In Isaiah 45 we read of God's call on the life of King Cyrus, approximately 150 years before he was to live.  God said he would raise up Cyrus as a powerful king and give him victory over his enemies so that he would be used to resettle the Israelite's back in the land they were exiled from.  He tells Cyrus he will not give him "price or reward" to do this, but he claims the authority over Cyrus' life by virtue of creating him.  The clay does not tell the potter what to be, it goes the other way around.

God is our creator.  When he says it is wrong to kill a baby in the womb...it is wrong.  When he says sex is to be enjoyed only in the marriage of a man and woman...that is how it is.  When God says heaven awaits those whom he has saved and everlasting torment in hell awaits the unrepentant sinner...our opinions about it fail to matter.  God does not ask you if it is culturally relevant when he says "I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man." He is who He is and you are what he created you to be.

As I reread this post I am left wondering if the reader will just dismiss the God I am suggesting as bossy and egotistical.  He is however a good God.  He doesn't appear good to the one who wants to reject him.  My children love to see a police officer on the street...a criminals children resent them.  At least consider for a moment if the problem really lies with a God who is creator and worthy of worship and obedience, or is the problem with the one who refuses to bow?

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